Thursday, May 28, 2020

G Suite on Resume - How to Write a Great One

G Suite on Resume - How to Write a Great OneWriting a G-Suite on resume is easy. Writing a catchy one will do. How to create an effective and exciting resume is more difficult.There are several important points that you should be aware of while you are composing your resume. The first and foremost point is your keywords. It is better to be specific in the keywords. You have to be accurate about the keywords. They will help you get noticed on the job search.You have to find out what the actual requirements of the company are before you write your resume. If the company is of repute, it will be able to offer the opportunity of receiving free resume writing samples. A comprehensive list of the qualifications, needs and skills you should possess is necessary for effective resume writing.If you are not familiar with the job description, then it is better to do some research before you submit your resume. There are many resume writing samples available for the benefit of beginners. These r esume writing samples are available online.The first step in writing a resume is to determine the format of the resume. You can download a resume template from the internet if you want to save some money. The following are the details that need to be considered while creating a resume:o The resume's title is the most important part. Always choose a catchy and exciting title. This will get the attention of the reader when they see the resume.o Use bullet points for the important points of the resume. These can be used to make the presentation of the resume more orderly.o Your resume must be current. The internet provides lots of information regarding your job. If you have some training or experience in this field, this will be beneficial for you when you submit your resume.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Three Sisters, Three Different Styles

Three Sisters, Three Different Styles As a personal stylist at Nordstrom, critiquing fashion and styling outfits is what I love to do. So I asked Nicole Crimaldi Emerick (the founder of this very blog) and her two sisters, Jay and Ashley, to participate in a mini-styling session with me.  Each person  sent me a picture of an outfit that best described them. Jay, 20. Just by looking at this picture, you can probably tell that Jay is a natural born hippie and a free-spirited gal. Jay is wearing a beautiful grey and black butterfly-sleeved dress which emphasizes and accentuates curves. She paired black moccasin fringe boots and a black fringe pouch with her ensemble. For girls who have smaller waists and bigger butts and thighs, fitted dresses like the one is Jay is wearing is much more flattering than a boxy or flowy dress. Outfit Needs: Color!!!! Do not be afraid to experiment with bright or pastel colors for the spring. Instead of the black fringe pouch, wear a red pouch for color or add neon pink bangles for flare. Also, consider trading in your moccasin fringe boots or UGGS for combat boots. Mixing girly pieces with edgy shoes makes for a more fashionable look. Next up is Nicoles sister, Ashley Crimaldi, MCGs Beauty columnist. Ashley, 25. Ashley is wearing a burgundy peplum top that contrasts her dark blue jeans. Everyone must have a peplum top or dress in their wardrobe for the summer! If you have curves, the peplum accentuates the waist and hides trouble spots. If you wish you had curves, the peplum top will give you an hourglass shape a win-win for all body types! Ashleys cheetah scarf adds a little spice to her casual look. Outfit Needs: Jewelry!!!! Do not be afraid to over-accessorize with bangles or earrings. Since the colors of Ashleys outfit are dark, I would add gold or pearl jewelry. Jewelry is unique, not many people are going to share the same accessories as you so do not be afraid to stand out. Peplum tops look great with pencil or mini-skirts. The flare of the peplum and the fitted skirts creates an hourglass shape and works as great for a night out. Nicole, 28. Nicoles look is complete. She is creating what I like to call balance. She is wearing a flowy non-fitted navy blue top with dark blue skinny jeans. If youre wearing a flowy piece on top, wear fitted bottoms to balance out the look. Nicoles scarf draws in all the colors while breaking up the textures of her outfit. Her gold wedges are all the rage right now for spring and summer fashion. If you want to add something a little different to your look, pull out your 90s-inspired shoes and pair them with skinny jeans for a casual look, or harem pants for a night out at the bar. Outfit Needs: Jewelry!! Whether its three or four gold bangles on one arm or gold hoop earrings, adding accessories is necessary for every outfit. Jewelry will always separate you from any other girl in the room. Dare to be different. If you need style advice or help coordinating an outfit, just email a picture to [emailprotected] I will help you style your look! Remember: look good and you will feel good.  

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Dos and Donts of Marketing Interviewing - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The Dos and Donts of Marketing Interviewing - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career For the majority of companies, marketing recruiting is one the most difficult human resources activities. Subject complexity has made it nearly impossible for HR representatives to determine job applicant aptitude based on their technical abilities. What they do know is their desired end-goal. With limited knowledge, hiring managers and recruiters do their best to determine who can and cannot deliver those results. Above all else, recruiting divisions judge job seekers based upon the applicant’s ability to connect with them on an interpersonal level. Additionally, assertiveness, ability to command the room and body language are all key judgment factors. Teaching Quantum Physics to a 3rd Grade Class Try to teach quantum physics to a 3rd grade class the same way you would to a college student and you’re going to get an unresponsive, confused and bored audience. Interviewing for a marketing job is no different. Knowing your audience’s level of knowledge is crucial. The trick to successful marketing interviewing lay in one’s ability to take the complex and make it simple. Examples of simplistic explanations that still impress and engage an interviewer: Messages resonate to the consumer only if they are concise and sensible. Successful marketing hits pain points and solves a problem. You would come into the company and through wording, content, social media interaction and pictures make sure that product became known to the public and target market through word of mouth (i.e. branding) You would approach recruiting future employees using the same message, thus creating a marketing team who lives and breathes the companys core message and branding. Successful marketing executives understand customer-buying triggers. They are passionate about digging deeper to understand how the users feel. User sentiment must be leveraged to motivate the target market to engage with the organization. In essence, the effective marketing executive can put themselves in the shoes of the buyer and write a story from their point of view. Marketing interviewees often attempt to convince a hiring manager of their competency by describing complex marketing theories beyond the understanding of the interviewer. When marketing interviewers discuss in-depth marketing tactics such as landing pages or diminishing bounce rate to increase search engine rankings, they lose their audience and the attempt to be perceived as an expert backfires. If the interviewer lacks the knowledge to agree with your claims, they write you off. Preparation for the Interview Pinpoint the overarching goals of the client marketing campaign. Often, the job description states the hiring company’s desired end goals. Define how you achieved those results at past jobs. If a company says they want social media improvement, don’t tell them that they need video marketing. Withhold voicing your disagreement. Go with the flow and describe your past experience implementing Facebook and Instagram interaction. Touch upon the results that were seen. In the End The entire basis of marketing interviewing lay in simplicity. Basic explanations of complex theories raise your ability to connect and persuade. Hiring managers invest in those who get to the point and who are concerned about achieving the goals of the organization instead of coming in and changing the entire plan.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn

The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn Are you wondering about the benefits of connecting with people on LinkedIn?What I want to talk about is how to let your guard down a bit and make lifelong connections.Over the last several weeks I have discovered the magic of networking on LinkedIn.Now I want to share it with you.I made a commitment to reach out to new people every day, sharing openly and from my heart. Connections are happening more naturally and with purpose. I’m being led to like-minded people based on shared interests and connections.What Is so Magical About That?Building relationships on a professional level with a powerful LinkedIn summary is essential. After all, LinkedIn is defined as a social networking site specifically for the business community.The magic comes from getting to know people on a deeper level. It begins when reading about one person’s struggles with their job search or career change. Their fears of the future. Real-life worries and strife. Panic, desperation, depression. It’s all there. Here’s Where the Magic of Connecting With People on Linkedin HappensPeople begin to altruistically share messages of hope. The threads grow exponentially as others begin to identify with what another person is going through.In this social platform, we get to participate in the experience as people become inspired. They share their own stories and offer advice. People share support, wisdom, tools, and resources.People share things like how to professionally manage your job search, but also why it’s important to put self-care at the top of your career search.We Get to Share in GratitudeTogether, we witness a shift that occurs within the person who was feeling low and hopeless. That person now has a sense of purpose. The suffering is transformed into hope with real-life solutions for job hunting. There is more. We will also have the opportunity to learn about someone else’s achievements. We will find out how they overcame obstacles to achieve what they previously thought was impo ssible. We will read about the people that lifted them up along the way.It is delightful to be a part of the thread that grows. People share congratulations, virtual high-fives, and gratitude for reading how someone else did it. They overcame! Against all odds.It’s Corny, but I Believe in MagicThere are companies out there that are giving back. I have seen it with my own eyes. They want to do better, and they are listening. Even if only through osmosis.I’m watching the evolution. We are boosting the message as we share our highs and lows with each other. We are inspiring change as we collaborate and challenge the leaders of today.Today’s Founders and CEOs are striving to create more inclusive cultures. They are beginning to foster healthier workplaces. There is great value in LinkedIn and most of it is available to you for free. Successful and talented professionals are offering their advice and sharing ideas. Do I Have Rose-Colored Glasses?I’ll admit, I could have a pair ar ound here somewhere. At the very least, LinkedIn is a place to collaborate, grow, and support job seekers. I say we don’t stop there.Live with intention and no expectations. Release judgment of self and of others.Reach out to me and let’s make some magic!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to freshen up your room by de-cluttering and save money

How to freshen up your room by de-cluttering and save money This post was written by an external contributor. Connor gives his tips on how to de-clutter your room and top up your bank balance at the same time. With April well underway, we’re all eagerly anticipating Spring (let’s ignore the recent snow and April showers, yeah?! Happy, sunny thoughts people…) And we all know what April means: Spring wardrobes. But trying to de-clutter our rooms is boring, and long, and did we say boooooring?! Well, it’s time for a clear out and we don’t just mean a trip to the rubbish dump. We sit on hundreds of pounds worth of clutter pushed to the back of drawers or on the top shelves of wardrobes, so here are my top tips on how to clear out your clutter and make few extra bucks while you do it… Be thorough There’s nothing worse than a half-hearted clear out. It’s pointless and results in you missing half the stuff you need to get rid of. Remember, the things that you really don’t need (and are probably worth the most) will be behind all the things you do use. Go cupboard to cupboard, drawer to drawer, wardrobe to wardrobe, and so on. This way, you’ll see everything that you own, and breaking it into manageable chunks will make the task a whole lot easier. “When did I last use it?” I love a good clear out, but there’s always the same few things I decide to keep for no reason whatsoever that I only see when I tip out the drawers once a year. I’m obviously not talking about sentimental items, but keeping something someone bought you just so they’re not offended is pointless. They gifted you something because they wanted you to enjoy it, and if you’re not then you might as well enjoy whatever amount you sell it for. Closet clutter I don’t think I know anyone whose wardrobe doors close properly. In fact, I think the companies who make wardrobes need to up their game â€" it’s impossible to fit a normal person’s amount of clothes in and get the doors closed. Or, that’s what I choose to believe Online shopping means we’re buying more new clothes than ever before, and with each new purchase something must go from your day-to-day wardrobe. Apps like Depop are great for getting rid of old clothes and getting something in return. Yes, they charge a small commission on each sale, but you’re still making a bit of money for yourself and your old clothes are getting a whole new lease of life! Win-win. Be realistic Let’s get it out there: selling your old things isn’t going to make you a millionaire. You’re not going to be able to retire and buy a house abroad. This is about freeing up space, reducing waste, and making a little bit extra from what you already had. eBay is great because there’s no limit to the amount that a buyer can pay for an item and you can use this to your advantage. Don’t start your listings with a ridiculously high price; everyone likes a bargain, so always start your listings at least 25% below the price of the cheapest same item available online. That way it’ll attract plenty of attention and the bids will soon rack up. It also means that buyers will browse all your items and perceive them to be cheap, making them more inclined to bid. It can be a risky strategy, but it often pays off. Remember, what you might lose on one item, you’ll make up for on others. Save it! There’s no point in clearing out if you’re going to splurge all the money you make on new clutter why bother?! You’ll only end up one year later selling all the things you bought with the last lot of sale money; it can be a vicious circle (and Im speaking from experience) Save the money for when you’re going to need it. We always complain about how nice it would be to have a little bit saved, so keep it safe and then when you find something you really want or need, you can feel guilt-free about indulging. Download Debut  and  connect with us on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

3 Ways To Invest In Your Future

3 Ways To Invest In Your Future Investing in your future doesnt take a lot of money, technical savvy or time, but you do need to know where to start. There are three important things youll want to do to manage your reputation whether you are a new graduate or a seasoned professional. Job Security Is Up To You Your career security isnt about luck, it is about knowing the right people and knowing what you are good at doing. That sounds kind of counter-intuitive. Shouldnt your career security be based on your years of experience, technical skills, and performance? Think about the opportunities that have dropped in your lap (or the laps of people you know). How did that happen? Does it have something to do with your reputation?  3 Things You Should Do Today To Build An On-Line Presence Spoiler: 1) Create a website, 2) make your LinkedIn profile an online portfolio and 3) start using Google+. Luck Has Something To Do With It I have to say, I am extremely lucky to have found something that I love doing. Im equally lucky to have met some great friends and supporters along the way. This combo has resulted in some fabulous opportunities for me.  Like this  video and post. Ive been wanting to use more video to spice things up a bit. And the opportunity presented itself. It was a win-win. I get some video footage plus Purple Briefcase gets some content too. Do You Know About Purple Briefcase? Brian Keenan, President and founder of Purple Briefcase, is someone Ive known for many years. When he told me about his new start-up, I really liked the concept of providing on-demand information to students. So I want to share what they are doing, in case you or someone you know is interested. The tool is built for colleges, universities and other educational institutions to use with their students. It contains short, informational videos, like the ones I did, and hosts loads of other information to help fill the information void workforce newbies experience. GET NOTICED AND BE PREPARED. This is Purple Briefcases tagline.  Their site helps students stand out by offering these tools: Social Learning Interview Prep Tools Résumé/Portfolio Building Job Searching Career Help Line Career Assessments Network/Forum Purple Briefcase helps university students find better jobs faster. They use a combination of cutting edge advice, tools and techniques which are delivered through a platform that conveys these important topics the way in which students interact today.” Thank You Let me also say THANK YOU to  Emily Schafer  who made Brian and I sound half way intelligent through her excellent video editing skills! And another shoutout to  Bailey Donovan, their social media specialist, who is working hard to build their brand awareness. Want More Info? If you want more information about Purple Briefcase, feel free to visit their website or schedule a demo. Or if you just want to see what they are up to on social media, follow them: Twitter: @purplebriefcase Google+: Purple Briefcase Facebook: Purple Briefcase

Friday, May 8, 2020

Podcast Series- Episode 6 10 Ways to Get a Job IM HIRED

Podcast Series- Episode 6 10 Ways to Get a Job You need to cast your net wider if you want to catch those big fish Yes thats right, the title says the 10 ways of finding a job and these are just the top 10, so if you are struggling to even think of another way of applying for a job that doesnt include pressing submit on an online application then you need to listen up. Todays episode is helping you to expand your job search by getting you off the computer for a few minutes and get you out there. I know job boards are the easiest option and dont get me wrong they did make this list but the job hunt is about going the extra mile. You might be missing a lot of vacancies if you are keeping your search for work too closed off. Let me know in the comments how you look for work? As ever the full post with all the information you need to start the application process will be going live on Sunday. I am taking a short holiday next week so in the meantime catch up with the whole series below and Ill be back the week after. (That is if I can tear myself away from cocktails by the pool!)