Friday, May 8, 2020

Podcast Series- Episode 6 10 Ways to Get a Job IM HIRED

Podcast Series- Episode 6 10 Ways to Get a Job You need to cast your net wider if you want to catch those big fish Yes thats right, the title says the 10 ways of finding a job and these are just the top 10, so if you are struggling to even think of another way of applying for a job that doesnt include pressing submit on an online application then you need to listen up. Todays episode is helping you to expand your job search by getting you off the computer for a few minutes and get you out there. I know job boards are the easiest option and dont get me wrong they did make this list but the job hunt is about going the extra mile. You might be missing a lot of vacancies if you are keeping your search for work too closed off. Let me know in the comments how you look for work? As ever the full post with all the information you need to start the application process will be going live on Sunday. I am taking a short holiday next week so in the meantime catch up with the whole series below and Ill be back the week after. (That is if I can tear myself away from cocktails by the pool!)

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